Your Training Journey with LAS

Let LAS help get you or your team to the highest standards in Scottish letting

The most successful learning journey for any member of staff brings access to knowledge that complements and adds value to what they are already doing. LAS make sure that we deliver training that is both interesting and useful.  We want everyone undertaking learning with LAS to acquire new knowledge, practical skills, confidence and a feeling of accomplishment.

Learning is most effective if it can be practiced and applied quickly and on-the-job, so we run our training programmes in cycles ensuring that there are always relevant sessions available. This means that the learning can be undertaken as soon as skills gaps emerge and because the topics are directly linked to the job being done newly acquired skills will not be forgotten.

Both employee and employer benefit by combining learning with the day to day demands of the business.

Letting agent training journey

Step One:
LETWELL Qualification

In order to operate as a Letting Agent in Scotland you are required to first complete a relevant qualification. The LETWELL programme of training provide a qualification which is respected industry wide. If you or a member of your team is ready to take the next step in their lettings career, the LETWELL programme is a natural choice.

Full details of how the programme works and the qualification gained can be found here.

Step Two: The Letting Agent Compliance Programme

Once you have your qualified, you are required to complete 20 hours of continued professional development (CPD) every three years, 15 of those being formal learning. Whilst this might sound daunting LAS have made it simple. Completing the Letting Agent Compliance Programme, acquiring meaningful CPD which applies to your actual job provides you with all 15 hours you need. The 7 modules that make up the LACP are designed in line with the letting agent code of practice, and are recognised as formal CPD, allowing your qualification and training to be submitted when your agency renews their letting agent registration.

Step Three: Best Practice and CPD sessions

Stage one and two are taken care of but there is always more to learn. At LAS our aim is to promote best practice in all aspects of the private rented sector and your personal commitment to update your skills and knowledge is vital in helping the sector achieve high standards. The letting agent webinars and Best Practice session run throughout the year and we will let you know what's coming up so that you can see if there is a topic that interests you or that will help with your own development.

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