Landlord Accreditation Scotland
CPD Webinars for Letting Agents
All qualified letting agents in Scotland are required to complete 15 hours of formal CPD every 3 years following their initial qualification. The CPD programme of webinars is designed to bring meaningful CPD to letting agents on topics that may not be covered in the same depth elsewhere.
The range of topics is updated and expanded as we come across information or practice that we know will be of interest. There will always be relevant training available for staff working in all areas of your lettings business. See our full offering below, or click the link to go straight to our upcoming events.
CPD webinar topics
Lessons Learned from the First Tier Tribunal
In this webinar, John Blackwood, Chairman of Landlord Accreditation Scotland (LAS), will share lessons learned from past cases raised at the First-tier Tribunal (Housing and Property Chamber) (FtT), providing valuable insight in how past decisions have been made.
Dealing with Damp and Mould - In Depth Session for Housing Professionals
This topic is essential for maintenance teams, property managers and inspections staff. This offers an in-depth look at one of the most difficult situations to manage from both a tenant and landlord perspective. Delegates will hear how to identify the likely causes for damp and mould and why not to always categorise this as a “tenants life-style choice”, as well as mechanisms for prevention and, if required, action to be taken. Delegates will learn about the triangle of ‘key components’ that a house must have to be able to appropriately manage condensation, along with the importance of a standard risk matrix approach to inspecting property.
The Private Residential Tenancy in depth
Managing Short Assured Tenancies
This session provides a detailed explanation of the Short Assured Tenancy. Whilst this type of tenancy can no longer be created, it still exists and has specific requirements for management and seeking possession which differ significantly from the Private Residential Tenancy.