For tenants
Why you should look for accommodation managed by an Accredited Landlord or Letting Agent
When seeking accommodation with a private landlord or letting agent, enquire whether they are a member of Landlord Accreditation Scotland. If the landlord or letting agent has a valid accreditation, then you are assured that the standard of accommodation, property management, and the way that they conduct business with their tenants must comply with the requirements of the Scottish Core Standards for Accredited Landlords.
Before you agree to rent a property from a landlord or letting agent who says they are accredited, ask them to show you their accreditation certificate or quote their accreditation number – if in doubt contact Landlord Accreditation Scotland on 0131 553 2211 and LAS will confirm that the landlord or letting agent is accredited.
Ask the accredited landlord/letting agent for a copy of the standards or download them here. This will explain the quality standards with which the landlord/letting agent service will need to comply.