Landlord Accreditation Scotland
Upcoming Courses
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How our pricing works
LAS accredited landlords and letting agents benefit from the best available prices for all training types provided by LAS.
Landlord and letting agent members of our sister organisation Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL) are offered discounted rates as a benefit of their SAL membership.
LAS welcomes everyone in the sector to our training programmes. If you are not yet accredited or a member of SAL you can still book a training session at our full training rate but why not speak to us about becoming accredited now.
LAS accredited landlords and letting agents:
Best price available for all types of training
SAL landlord and letting agent members:
Discounted rates
Everybody else in the sector:
Full price
Managing the end of a tenancy19 Jun 2025
1 hour, Thu 02:00 PM BST - Thu 03:00 PM BST OnlineThis webinar deals with the communication and associated tasks when the tenancy is coming to an end, considering the reason for the tenancy ending.
- Core Information Programme
Creating Inventories26 Jun 2025
1 hour, 15 minutes, Thu 02:00 PM BST - Thu 03:15 PM BST OnlineThis webinar is sponsored by LPS. Attendance at the webinar will provide you with a framework for the preparation of a relevant inventory document.
- Best Practice Training