Repairing and Tolerable Standard
Supporting information for Scottish Landlord Registration
The Repairing Standard
The Repairing Standard is a basic level of repair that all privately rented properties must meet. It covers the legal and contractual obligations of private landlords to ensure that a property always meets a minimum physical standard at the start of a tenancy and during a tenancy.
There are changes to some elements of the standard which private landlords are required to comply with from 1 March 2024. You can find more details on these requirements on the Scottish Government website
Further Context
To comply with this requirement landlords must carry out a pre-tenancy check of their property to identify work required to meet the Repairing Standard and if there is any work needed, notify tenants of that work.
This responsibility of a landlord to repair and maintain their property is in place from the tenancy start date and throughout the tenancy. This includes a duty to make good any damage caused by doing work to bring the property to meet the Repairing Standard. On becoming aware of a defect, landlords must complete the work within a reasonable time. If the Repairing Standard is not met or work is not completed within a reasonable time scale the tenant can make an application to the Housing and Property Chamber, First-tier Tribunal to get assistance with enforcing the Repairing Standard.
Details about the standards that need to be met can be found in the Carrying out repairs as a landlord guide.
The Tolerable Standard
The Tolerable Standard is a basic level of repair your property must meet to make it fit for a person to live in.
This is in addition to the Repairing Standard and it is the local council in the area in which your property is located that can force you to carry out work to bring your home up to the tolerable standard.
Further Context
Details about the standards that need to be met can be found in the Carrying out repairs as a landlord guide.
The Tolerable Standard is incorporated into the Repairing Standard which ensures that any work required to comply can be raised in an application by a tenant to the First-tier Tribunal.
Maximise your Success as a Landlord
LAS run a regular programme of training courses helping landlords adopt best practice and remain updated with changes to legislation. Anyone involved in letting property in the private rented sector in Scotland is welcome to attend. You do not need to be accredited.