Accreditation with Landlord Accreditation Scotland is a voluntary scheme.
Letting agents who chose to become accredited are demonstrating a clear commitment to the highest standards in Scottish letting.
Rollos Town & Gown is an accredited letting agent.
LETWELL is the professional qualification for Letting Agents providing specialised knowledge on Scottish regulations.
Rollos Town & Gown has LETWELL qualified staff.
The Letting Agent Compliance Programme (LACP) covers training on every aspect of the Letting Agent Code of Practice to ensure detailed knowledge.
Rollos Town & Gown has staff who have successfully completed the LACP.
Landlord Accreditation Scotland (LAS) is the national accreditation scheme for Scottish landlords & letting agents, promoting best practice in the private rented sector by offering training and education across the country.
© Copyright Landlord Accreditation Scotland. All Rights Reserved.