
Name Duration Price (excl. GST) Next Running
Lessons Learned from the First Tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal Cases - Session 1 60 minutes £162.00
testing by tp Free Register interest
Landlord Training
Chasing the debt 60 minutes £46.50 01 Aug
Creating Inventories 75 minutes £96.00
Creating the Private Residential Tenancy (PRT) 60 minutes £37.50 21 Aug
Data protection for lettings 60 minutes £37.50 01 Oct
Dealing with abandonment 60 minutes £46.50 25 Sep
Dealing with anti-social behaviour - the requirement for evidence 60 minutes £46.50 10 Sep
Dealing with difficult tenants 2 hours £102.00
Dealing with rent arrears 60 minutes £46.50 14 Aug
Ending a tenancy, the legislation: understanding notice grounds and getting the paperwork right 75 minutes £37.50 18 Sep
Landlord guide to changes during a tenancy 60 minutes £37.50 10 Sep
Landlord guide to finding a tenant and offering a tenancy 60 minutes £84.00 Register interest
Lone working 60 minutes £96.00 Register interest
Managing common repairs 60 minutes £37.50 04 Sep
Managing tenant complaints 60 minutes £37.50 13 Aug
Managing the end of a tenancy 60 minutes £37.50 30 Jul
Personal safety and lone working awareness session 90 minutes £96.00 Register interest
Portable Appliance Testing 5 hours 30 minutes £246.00
Preparation for new Repairing Standard requirement 60 minutes £96.00 Register interest
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